breaking the cycle

Navigating Postpartum Mental Health

The postpartum mental health journey brings challenges for a lot of women. It's reported that 85% of women experience mood disturbances after having a child, with 15% of women developing postpartum depression and 15% reporting postpartum anxiety. 

Prioritizing Me Time For Mom's with LaKeisha A Entsuah

The expectations on mom's is higher today than it ever has been before...and they have less support than in previous generations. It's no wonder that mom's are feeling burnt out and exhausted at increasingly high rates. 

A Conversation About Postpartum Mental Health

Following the Lindsay Clancy incident, there is a renewed need for mom's to start sharing their postpartum mental health stories to normalize not feeling or being our old "normal". 

How To Navigate Challenges In Homeschooling A High Needs Child with Afsaneh Moradian

Knowing that you have trauma, emotional baggage or a stress addiction is the first step in healing. But where do we go from there?

Raising Kids Who Are Toxic Person Proof with Sarah K Ramsey

Sarah K Ramsey is a life strategist, relationship specialist, creative solution finder, and heart-centered problem solver.

As a professional problem solver and relationship expert, she helps people unravel complicated situations and complex personalities so they can move forward faster professionally and personally. Her work in coaching began in helping people unravel the confusion of high-conflict personalities and finding ways to work with people who were non negotiators.

Are You Addicted To Stress?

Are You Addicted To Stress?

There is one major addiction in the world that no one is discussing...and it's literally making people sick. The addiction? Stress.

In a society that honors the hustle and grind over relaxation and self care, stress addiction is something we all must overcome...especially in our post-pandemic world.

What Is Trauma?

What Is Trauma?

Trauma is one of the most misunderstood concepts in today's world. In this episode we look at what trauma really is, the difference between "big T trauma" and "little t trauma", as well as how trauma and holding onto emotional baggage can impact our body, mind and how we mother our children.

Why Motherhood Unfiltered?

Why Motherhood Unfiltered?

There is no shortage of motivational quotes or Brené Brown-esque books out there that preach about the importance of asking for help and sharing our shame so we can all become more connected and self loving. And in theory, these ideas are great!
