Returning To This Unfiltered Journey

Welcome back to Motherhood Unfiltered! 

With the first year of motherhood under my belt, I'm back with a renewed clarity on what this show needs to deliver to be valuble for the mothers of the world. 

The first year of motherhood was a rollercoaster for me...less because of my son and what raising him has entailed...

And more because the life events and curveballs that life threw at me during the year led to intense bouts of postpartum anxiety and a complete disruption in my ability to focus on self care. 

In this episode: 

  • I begin sharing the lessons I learned throughout this year

  • What you can expect from this show moving forward

  • The single greatest tool I used to come out of the swamp of postpartum mental health challenges to find a level of gratitude and inner peace I've never known before! 

Want to heal your nervous system to overcome overstimulation, overwhelm and anxiety for good? Get my FREE 7 Day Nervous System Reset here!

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Want to be interviewed to share your mom story on Motherhood Unfiltered? Click here to fill out the form!