New Moon Manifesting

New moons are a powerful time of the lunar cycle to set intentions, wishes or goals for what you want to manifest or achieve in your life.

When you complete this worksheet on the day of (or within 3 days of the new moon) you are working with the energy of the Universe, which gives you a better chance of achieving what you want!

Visit to see when the next new moon will be in your area.

Click here to download the worksheet.


How to use the worksheet:

This worksheet will lead you step by step through the manifesting process. A couple quick tips to make this exercise as powerful as possible for you:

  1. Remember that some goals and manifestations take more time to complete. Setting a goal or intention during the new moon doesn’t guarantee that it will happen within the next lunar cycle (29.5 days), but rather will set in motion the chain of events leading to your goals!

  2. Setting a goal is not enough. You still need to take action towards that goal! Even the Law of AttrACTION has action in it! And remember: the Universe will show up for you in direct proportion to how much you show up for yourself!

  3. Be as specific as possible! Our unconscious mind, the part of your mind which will take action on your goals, requires specificity to set the filters of your mind in the right direction. For example, if your goal is to simply make money, your unconscious mind will stop seeking opportunity if you were to walk outside and find a penny on the ground! The more specific you are, the better.

  4. FEEL the goal! Our emotions are powerful motivators and manifestors! When we feel what we will feel when we achieve the goal, we create a future memory in the body. We produce different hormones and raise our personal vibration to meet that of goal!

  5. Talk about your goal as though you already have it. State your goal in present tense!

  6. Spend time throughout the month (daily if possible!) visualizing yourself achieving the goal! Keep the goal at the front of your mind.

  7. BELIEVE it’s possible. If you don’t believe you can achieve the goal, you’ve already lost the war so to speak!

Happy Manifesting!