Unlock Your Potential - The Next 100 Days Podcast | Tiffany Toombs

This week, Tiffany Toombs is talking to us about mindset and how to unlock your potential. Her company, Blue Lotus Mind, is inspired by the lotus which has to grow through the mud to become pure; specifically, the blue lotus symbolises transformation and wisdom. These are qualities that are important to Tiffany's business and are important to unlocking your potential in your business.

Tiffany works with people to let go of their debilitating beliefs, self-sabotage and emotional baggage from the past. This is because these things stop people from reaching the things that they want; stopping them from reaching their potential. In this podcast she discusses how to unlock your potential with some tips and tricks along the way.

Listen to the podcast here.


How do you unlock someone's potential?

Typically people come to Tiffany and have a 'presenting issue'. This is what the customer thinks is the problem (but is not really the problem!). It's usually a behaviour that is not working for them:

* "I keep procrastinating in my business."

* "I spend my money on silly things."

* "I keep dating the wrong person."

Tiffany will usually go through a process of uncovering the event, and or the people that lead to the beliefs that they have - the "not good enough",  the "money is evil" or whatever it is that they have.

Through that process of uncovering the beliefs, she can get to the root problem. The root problem is typically a belief system that has been embedded in their mind and then they have sought validation for that belief system over and over again. In short, Tiffany sees our behaviours as symptoms of our belief systems; the bulk of our belief systems are formed and embedded within our identities between the ages of 0 to 7 years of age. Therefore, when you are dealing with belief systems, you need to go deeper than just bulldozing through the problem-behaviour and doing something different.


How do you fix behaviours formed in the past?

The process Tiffany uses is that she puts people into a semi-trance. That means it's like they're hypnotised but they can still communicate with her.   Then, she will take her client to the first event, to see it in a different light.

For example, rather than seeing being locked in the closet from a three year-old's view, Tiffany directs seeing that experience through the present - with contexts the three year-old wouldn't understand. In this way, it is easier to see the event in a wider context.

Ultimately, hurt people hurt people; if we don't heal our own wounds from parents, friends, partners or siblings (for example), we end up bleeding all over someone else. That creates more wounds. So, what Tiffany does is support the healing of those wounds to create an opening of potential.

So, backtracking a little, Tiffany deals with many people who have suffered abuse, trauma or bullying. She takes them to the first event and reframes their perception of that first event to create a new belief system.

How do you 'reframe'?

Tiffany doesn't literally reframe other people's mindsets. Rather, she facilitates the process, which is as follows:

* When the client is taken back to an event, Tiffany asks what resources they needed during that time.

* There is a visualisation process to give them those resources.

* The client is asked how they would react to that situation which is now different, so that they can create a new neural pathway in their brain.