Straight Talk with Tiffany Toombs

Meet Tiffany Toombs

Tiffany is a mindset coach who specializes in helping people rewire their brains to overcome self sabotage and limiting beliefs; allowing them to experience success in every area of life. She is a Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and Matrix Therapies.

Tiffany worked in the health and fitness industry for 18 years, while exclusively working as a coach for the last five years. She combines her science background and knowledge of the body & mind with her spiritual interests and training to get clients results that are undeniable.

Tiffany’s goal is to empower 1 million women, men, and children to live their truth daily. She loves watching her clients transform from being stuck with emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, self-sabotage, and procrastination to improving their business, finances, health, and relationships.

Tiffany has overcome physical abuse, infidelity, eating disorders, and miscarriage. Today she is highly sought after for her ability to help where years of therapist visits couldn’t and leading people to identify the potential that lies within us all.

Tiffany has been in business for one year and already has great wisdom to share on her journey.  Listen in to three lessons:

  1. Follow your passions

  2. It is the stories that connect us

  3. Be firm in your vision but flexible in how it shows up

Find out more about Tiffany and order her new book, Stop Being A Selfish Bitch:  A Comprehensive Guide to Living Your Best Life Through Radical Self-Love. 

Listen to the podcast here.