
We Become Who We Think We Are - The Power Of The Unconscious Mind

We Become Who We Think We Are - The Power Of The Unconscious Mind

I attended a seminar a couple years ago where a number of successful entrepreneurs presented their systems and beliefs around why they believe they became so successful. One of the speakers said three phrases that really stuck with me, and has ultimately not only changed the way I view my world, but also the way I help my clients overcome their mindset “plateaus”. It helped me to understand choice fatigue in greater detail and develop strategies to overcome it. These three things were:

Is Your Language Disempowering Your Children?

Is Your Language Disempowering Your Children?

Communication. It seems so simple…you open your mouth, move your lips and tongue and words come out. Someone hears those words and understands what you mean. Easy, right? 


Communication goes so much deeper. You see the purpose of communication is not about the words we use or how we say it. This assumption causes us to communicate on a very conscious level. It can also lead to an array of miscommunications, misunderstandings and negative belief systems.